104 BMTC Bus route Kempegowda Bus Station/Majestic to Sadashivanagar

104 BMTC Bus route Kempegowda Bus Station/Majestic to SadashivanagarBMTC

  • Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation bus stops India
  • Distance 4.9 KM
  • Travel Time 00:13 Min
  • No of Stops 10

104 Bus Route and Intermediate Bus Stands.

  • 1. Kempegowda Bus Station/Majestic
  • 2. Platform Road
  • 3. Central Talkies Bus Stop
  • 4. Sheshadripuram
  • 5. Malleswaram Circle
  • 6. Malleswaram 8th Cross
  • 7. Sudhindra Nagar
  • 8. Vyalikaval
  • 9. Bashyam Circle (Sadashivanagar)
  • 10. Sadashivanagar

About 104 Bus Service

104 BMTC Bus route runs between Kempegowda Bus Station/Majestic and Sadashivanagar bus stand.This Bangalore city bus passes through 10 bus stands in one way.

104 Bus Information

Route No. 104
Source Kempegowda Bus Station/Majestic
Destination Sadashivanagar
First Bus Timing 05:00 AM
Last Bus Timing 10:30 PM
Operated By Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation ( BMTC )
Travel Distance 4.9 KM
Travel Time 00:13 Min
No of Stops 10