117 Bus route Hyderabad Kushaiguda to Uppal Bus Stop

117 Bus route Hyderabad Kushaiguda to Uppal Bus StopTSRTC

  • Telangana State Road Transport Corporation bus stops India
  • Distance 13.4 km
  • Travel Time 31 min
  • No of Stops 13

117 Bus Route and Intermediate Bus Stands.

  • 1. Kushaiguda
  • 2. Ecil Bus Stop
  • 3. Nfc(Ecil)
  • 4. Cable X Road
  • 5. Hcl Colony
  • 6. Mallapur(Annapurna Colony)
  • 7. Nacharam
  • 8. Chilkanagar Bus Stop
  • 9. Hema Nagar
  • 10. Uppal X Road Bus Stop
  • 11. Electric Junction
  • 12. Gandhi Statue
  • 13. Uppal Bus Stop

About 117 Bus Service

117 Bus route Hyderabad runs between Kushaiguda and Uppal Bus Stop bus stand. This hyderabad city bus passes through 13 bus stands in one way.

117 Bus Information

Route No. 117
Source Kushaiguda
Destination Uppal Bus Stop
First Bus Timing 7:28 AM
Last Bus Timing 6:39 PM
Operated By Telangana State Road Transport Corporation ( TSRTC )
Travel Distance 13.4 km
Travel Time 31 min
No of Stops 13