215 Bus route Kolkata Lake Town to Howrah Fire Station

215 Bus route Kolkata Lake Town to Howrah Fire StationWBTC

  • West Bengal Transport Corporation bus stops India
  • Distance 10.7 km
  • Travel Time 41 min
  • No of Stops 11

215 Bus Route and Intermediate Bus Stands.

  • 1. Lake Town
  • 2. V.I.P. Rd
  • 3. Dakshindari
  • 4. Ultadanga
  • 5. Kankurgachi
  • 6. Bagmari
  • 7. Maniktala More
  • 8. College St.
  • 9. M.G. Rd
  • 10. Mullick Fatak.
  • 11. Howrah Fire Station

About 215 Bus Service

215 Bus route kolkata runs between Lake Town and Howrah Fire Station bus stand.This Kolkata city bus passes through 11 bus stands in one way.

215 Bus Information

Route No. 215
Source Lake Town
Destination Howrah Fire Station
First Bus Timing
Last Bus Timing
Operated By West Bengal Transport Corporation ( WBTC )
Travel Distance 10.7 km
Travel Time 41 min
No of Stops 11