T-2 Bus route Kolkata Mandirtala (Howrah) to Bbd Bag

T-2 Bus route Kolkata Mandirtala (Howrah) to Bbd BagWBTC

  • West Bengal Transport Corporation bus stops India
  • Distance
  • Travel Time
  • No of Stops 5

T-2 Bus Route and Intermediate Bus Stands.

  • 1. Mandirtala (Howrah)
  • 2. Park Street
  • 3. Rabindra Sadan
  • 4. Vidyasagar Setu
  • 5. Bbd Bag

About T-2 Bus Service

T-2 Bus route kolkata runs between Mandirtala (Howrah) and Bbd Bag bus stand.This delhi city bus passes through 5 bus stands in one way.

T-2 Bus Information

Route No. T-2
Source Mandirtala (Howrah)
Destination Bbd Bag
First Bus Timing
Last Bus Timing
Operated By West Bengal Transport Corporation ( WBTC )
Travel Distance
Travel Time
No of Stops 5