Nirman Vihar to Tis Hazari Metro Fare & Route

Nirman Vihar to Tis Hazari Metro Fare & RouteDMRC

  • India India
  • Fare Rs. 40
  • Travel Time 0:22:42 Mins
  • No of stations 11

Intermediate Stations Between Nirman Vihar and Tis Hazari

Find Nirman Vihar to Tis Hazari Metro Station routes, fare, travel Time, No. of interchanges, No. of stations, contact number , last metro timing, first metro timing and gates Info.
Nirman Vihar to Tis Hazari Metro route has 11 intermediate metro stations which takes around 0:22:42 Mins to complete this journey. The distance between Nirman Vihar to Tis Hazari is around . This Metro Journey fare is around Rs. 40.

Nirman Vihar to Tis Hazari Metro Fare & Route Quick Info

Source Nirman Vihar
Destination Tis Hazari
Normal Fare Rs. 40
Operated By Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRC)
First Metro 5:30:00 AM
Last Metro 11:15 PM
No of stations 11
Travel Time 0:22:42 Mins

Buses Available from Nirman Vihar Metro.

Bus Route No Source Destination
469 DTC bus route Ambedkar Nagar Terminal Anand Vihar Isbt
474 DTC bus route Mithapur Extension Sindhu Farm Safdarjung Terminal
473 DTC bus route Anand Vihar Isbt Badarpur Mb Road

Buses Available from Tis Hazari Metro.

Bus Route No Source Destination
116 DTC bus route Bawana Jj Colony Fatehpuri
937 DTC bus route Railway Station Sultanpuri
926 DTC bus route Fatehpuri Tikri Border
231 DTC bus route Mangolpuri Terminal Block Q Railway Station
823 DTC bus route Kauria Bridge Uttam Nagar Terminal
154 DTC bus route Dehisara Border Azadpur
115 DTC bus route Old Delhi Railway Station Wazirpur Jj Colony