Shastri Nagar to Seelam Pur Metro Fare & Route

Shastri Nagar to Seelam Pur Metro Fare & RouteDMRC

  • India India
  • Fare Rs. 30
  • Travel Time 0:14:25 Mins
  • No of stations 7

Intermediate Stations Between Shastri Nagar and Seelam Pur

Find Shastri Nagar to Seelam Pur Metro Station routes, fare, travel Time, No. of interchanges, No. of stations, contact number , last metro timing, first metro timing and gates Info.
Shastri Nagar to Seelam Pur Metro route has 7 intermediate metro stations which takes around 0:14:25 Mins to complete this journey. The distance between Shastri Nagar to Seelam Pur is around 10.7 km. This Metro Journey fare is around Rs. 30.

Shastri Nagar to Seelam Pur Metro Fare & Route Quick Info

Source Shastri Nagar
Destination Seelam Pur
Normal Fare Rs. 30
Operated By Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRC)
First Metro 5:30:00 AM
Last Metro 11:15 PM
No of stations 7
Travel Time 0:14:25 Mins
Distance 10.7 km

Buses Available from Shastri Nagar Metro.

Bus Route No Source Destination
816 DTC bus route Old Delhi Railway Station Uttam Nagar Terminal
234 DTC bus route Tilak Nagar Harsh Vihar
39 DTC bus route Tri Nagar Jai Mata Market Jheel
108 DTC bus route Hari Nagar Clock Tower Nehru Vihar
181 DTC bus route Nizamuddin Railway Station Jahangirpuri Block E
166 DTC bus route Nizamuddin Railway Station Shalimar Bagh Block B H

Buses Available from Seelam Pur Metro.

Bus Route No Source Destination
847 DTC bus route New Seemapuri Uttam Nagar Terminal
205 DTC bus route New Seemapuri Fatehpuri
784 DTC bus route Kamla Market Bhajanpura
374 DTC bus route Nand Nagri Terminal Nehru Place Terminal
355 DTC bus route Noida Sector 23 53 Crossing Anand Parbat
335 DTC bus route Nand Nagri Terminal Hauz Khas Terminal
218 DTC bus route Babarpur Extension Hari Nagar Clock Tower